Monday, March 19, 2018

मानव श्वास्थमा फिटकिरीका फाइदाहरू

  • हप्तामा एकपटक मनतातो पानीमा फिटकिरी र डिप कन्डिसनर बराबर मात्रा मिलाएर कपालमा लगाएर १५–२० मिनेटपछि चिसो पानीले धुँदा कपाल कालो र बाक्लो बन्छ ।
  • हप्तामा दुई–तीनपटक तातोपानीमा एक कप फिटकिरी पाउडर मिलाएर १०–१५ मिनेटसम्म राखिदिने र त्यसपछि नुहाउने । फिटकिरीमा हुने म्याग्नेसियमले शरीरभित्रको हानिकारक पदार्थ बाहिर निकालिदिन्छ ।
  • एक कप पानीमा दुई चम्चा फिटकिरी घोलेर घामले डढेको भागमा लगाउने । १० मिनेटपछि धोइदिने, घामले डढेको ठाउँमा राहत मिल्छ ।
  • बाथटबमा फिटकिरी पानी राखेर नुहाउँदा मुटु स्वस्थ रहन्छ । हर्टअट्याकको खतराबाट जोगाउन मद्दत गर्छ ।
  • फिटकिरीमा भएको म्याग्नेसियमले जोर्नीको दुखाइमा फाइदा गर्छ । तातो पानीमा फिटकिरी राखेर दुखेको भागमा मालिस गर्दा आराम हुन्छ ।
  • फिटकिरी मिसाएको पानीले हप्तामा तीन दिन नुहाउँदा स्ट्रेसबाट बचाउँछ । म्याग्नेसियम स्ट्रेस हुन दिँदैन ।
  • बाथटबमा मनतातो पानीमा फिटकिरी राखेर दुखेको स्थान डुबाई मालिस गर्दा म्याग्नेसियमको मद्दतले मांसपेशीलाई आनन्द प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
  • हप्ताको एक दिन ठूलो एक चम्चा जैतुनको तेलमा एक चम्चा फिटकिरी पाउडर मिलाएर छालामा मालिस गर्दा मरेका छालाका पत्र हट्छ ।
  • दिनमा एकपटक फिटकिरी राखेको मनतातो पानीमा १५ मिनेटसम्म गोडा डुबाउँदा दुखेको समस्या निको हुन्छ । नेपाली हेल्थ

Friday, March 6, 2015

स्वाइन फ्लुबारे मेडियामा नआएका तर सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण १० कुरा: डा. रवीन्द्र पाण्डे (Nepal)

१. स्वाइन फ्लु कुनै डरलाग्दो रोग हैन ! यो केवल सुँगुर/ बङ्गुरको रुघा हो !

२. नेपालमा खासै स्वाइन फ्लु फैलिएको छैन ! अहिलेको रुघाखोकी " सिजनल " हो !

३. स्वाइन फ्लुबाट मृत्यु १ जनाको भएको छ ! उनको दम आदि दीर्घरोग थियो तसर्थ स्वाइन फ्लु मात्र यो मृत्युमा कारक हैन !

४. स्कुल, क्याम्पस, सार्वजनिक यातायात, सपिंग मल. फिलिम हल, अस्पताल तथा भिडभाडमा मात्र मास्क प्रयोग गरौँ ! मास्क स्वाइन फ्लुको उपचारक हैन ! भिडभाड बाहेकको स्थानमा मास्क लगाउनु हुँदैन ! फ्रेस अक्सिजनको सेवनले स्वाइन फ्लुलाई निस्क्रिय गर्दछ तसर्थ हरियाली भएको ठाउँमा खुब अक्सिजन तान्ने र कार्बनडाइअक्साइड फ्याँक्ने गरौँ !

५. हाम्रा झ्यालढोका बलिया भए चोर पस्न पाउदैन तसर्थ आफ्नो शरीर तन्दुरुस्त राखेर रोगप्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता वृद्धि गरौँ ! यसको लागि सागसब्जी, फलफूल, गेडागुडी, दूध, अण्डा, माछामासु, झोलिलो पदार्थ प्रशस्त खाने गरौँ ! नियमित ब्यायाम तथा सकारात्मक सोंचको विकास गरौँ ! फुर्सद मिलाएर अक्सिजन तान्न हरियाली स्थानमा जाने गरौँ !

६. धेरैजसो भाइरल रोगहरु एकपटक लागेपछि त्यसको रेसिस्टेन्स हुन्छ तसर्थ अरू देशमा भन्दा हाम्रो देशमा धुलो/धुँवा पचाउने शक्ति बढी छ त्यसैले " यस्ता " रोग पचाउने हाम्रो क्षमता गजबको छ !

७. बच्चाहरुलाई भनौं : स्कुलमा रुघाखोकी लागेको साथीको नजिक नबस्नु, कसैले कक्षामा रुघाखोकीका लक्षण देखाएमा मास्क लगाऊ, आफ्नो टिचरलाई जानकारी देऊ, त्यस्तो बिध्यार्थीलाई बेड रेस्टको व्यवस्थाको लागि सर / म्यामलाई जानकारी देऊ.........आदि !

८. सकभर सबैले " ह्याण्ड स्यानिटेजर " झोल खल्तीमा राखौं ! कतै हातले छोएपछि, मुखमा हात राख्नुपुर्व त्यसको ७/८ थोपाले हात सफा गरौँ ! " ह्याण्ड स्यानिटेजर " प्रयोग गरेपछि साबुन, पानी, टावेल चाहिदैन !

९. सुर्ती खाने व्यक्ति सबैभन्दा जोखिमयुक्त हुन्छन् ! सुर्तीलाई हातमा राखेर मुखभित्र राख्दा यो रोग सर्न निकै सजिलो हुन्छ तसर्थ मलुवा होस् कि प्याकेटको , सुर्ती सेवन नगरौं ! गर्नै परे " ह्याण्ड स्यानिटेजर " प्रयोग गरौँ !

१०. कतिपय अवस्थामा हाम्रो जस्तो भ्रष्टाचारी मुलुकमा विधि नपुर्याई टन्नै पैसा खान सिजन परिवर्तन हुनेबेलामा फलानो रोग फैलिएको भनेर मेडिया तथा जनतालाई रोगमा व्यस्त बनाएर ठुलो रकमको चलखेल हुनेगर्दछ तसर्थ सबैभन्दा पहिले आफ्नो कान छामौं अनि छैन भनेमात्र कागको पछि लागौं !

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Mahes bikram shaha - chhapamar ko chhoro (upanyas)
Baldeb sharma majgaiya Bibasta (upanyas)
Rabindra dhoju Ghumgham 
Ram chandra khatri tathya sangraha (samanya gyan)
Tara rai Ek chhapamar yubatiko dairy
prajool raj chapagai hidda hiddai
Indira prasai Bishomitra(upanyas)
Sharad kumar bhattarai Bibidh yatra(kabita sangraha)
Ramesh khakurel Bidai(khanda kabya)
Indira prasai Bayan (laghu kathja)
Jaya acharya rajan (shok kabya)
Ram prashad mainali Ratna manjari (kabita sangraha)
Jhamak kumari ghimire jiban kada ki phul
Khagoyachhe panta chitkar ak pukar
Sankarbabu Acharya Cadet Choice
Bishnu prashad pokhrel Yogavyas
Ganeshman sinha mero kathaka pannaharu(khanda-1)
Susmita Nepal mera chhatika kolaj haru (upanyas)
Kulmansinha bhandari mrra kalakar guruharu
Yubaraj nayaghare muhurtako woripari (nibandha sangraha
Purna kumar sherpa mundum (kirat haru ko grantha)
pradip nepal mukta akash ko khoji(atmasansmaran)
Kamal dikchhit mahachin (niyatra sangraha)
Ghatraj bhattarai mahakabi devkota ka anibani
Surendra maharjan"amar" bhabisyaka sapana (kabita sangraha)
Dambar basnet bhatabhunge chala(hasyabyange)
chandra bahadur gurung british medels and gurkhaj
Yagya raj upadhya bihaniko pana (kabita sangraha)
Dr.Mita shinha basangaka samjhanaka chhyanhara
Radha krisna mainali bandi rahar
Gita kesari nokari (upanyas)
Ram raj panta dhoni(bhajan sangraha)
Rabindra misra Bhumadhyerekha
Krisna prasad bhattarai mero nam
Dr. Ishwor baral debkota ra unko kabya
Parijat juthi damini (chitra kathha)
budhha sagar chapagai Karnali bluse
Gita sapkota jibankram (kabita sangra)
Manjul chokti kabita
jaya chhadchha chap fulne pahad muni
Gitakesari khulla akas
hyagriba acharya khukuri ra manchhe(kabita sangra')
Kali prasad rijal khi git khi gajal
Nrip bhadur shor kusumi(upanyas)
Dhruba chandra gautam atangka ko ful(upanyas)
Dr.Bhisma raj prasai atmasamarpan(mahakabya)
Bisbeshower prasad koirala Atmabritanta
Nrendra raj prasai achharko pradarsani(nibanda sangrah)
Debendra lamsal avisapta prem (katha sangra)
Baburam acharya aba yasto kahilei nahos
Bishomvar anchal annamnagar(katha sangraha)
Thakur sharma antardhoni(kabita sangraha)
Motiram bhhata gajendra mos,picdut
Bhanubhakta acharya badhu sichha kantipur
Madan mani dikchhit barlin dairy ka pana
Khaptad shomi dharma bigan,bichar bigan
Bhaupanthi Sambanda
Bhupi serchan ghumne mech mathi andho manchhe
Shid sukraraj shastri sorgako darbar
Krishna prashad parajuli fulpati 
Lokendra bahadur chand barahau kheladi neta ka sathi
Ma Bi.Bi. Shah usaiko lagi feri usaiko lagi
Bhairab aryal jayabhudi, kaukuti, etisri
Modanath prasrit Manab
Balkrishna pokhrel ukusmukas, futeko ayana
Parasmani pradhan batul, baatul,tipan-tapan
Nirbikram 'pashi' himjyoti, pukar,jal ra assu,tadpan
Dharmaraj thapa mangali, kusum,banchari,kali ko lahar
Dhanushchandra gautam ghamka pailaharu
Daymand dhanko dhabba
Daymand seto bagha, basanti, satprayas, anita
Bharat jangam Chakrabyuha
Lokendra bahadur chand Bisarjan
Gopal prashad rimal masan, aama ko sapana
Kesabraj pindali akadeski maharani, khai khai
kedarmani belayat jada, yak fanko
Kamalmani dichhit buigal, kalo akchher
Ishwor ballav Samanantar
Ashes malla sadak dekhi sadaksamma
Anandadev bhhata saili maiya
Bijaya malla bhiteghadi, kohi kina barbad hos
Dal bahadur gurung nau fanka
Baburam acharya prithbinarayan shaha
Kailash gurung rakchhek ko git
Parijat baisako manchhe, sirisko phul
Parshu pradhan bakra rekha, astaune surya
Druba chandra gautam satdruba , baluwa mathi, tyo aauta kura
Daulatbikram bista galako lali, manjari, chapaiaka anuhar
Taranath sharma namaste , dui poka chura, belayat tira baralida
Chetan karki hanimun, dhaleko gilas
Chittadhar "hridaya" gautam budhha, hridaya kusum
Ghatraj bhattarai amarjyoti sacho prem
Karna sakya soch 
Narayan bagle palpasa kafe
Debendra bhattarai registan dairy
Angur baba joshi k lekhau
Home sankar bastola banduk ko chhaya
Bhupendra jang shahi bandigriha (upanyas)
Unnati bohara"shila" sikkaka dui pata
chandrakala newar saghuro dharatal
Narayan bomle mayur times
chandrakala newar Chakrabyuha
Gobinda malla gothale palloghare jhyal,chyatiyako parda
Guru prashad mainali Naso
Kedarman byathit sangam juneli
Gita pokhrel atmaghati sangka
Rajeswor devkota himchuli ,jhyalbata
Lila bahadur chhetri Ma Sakchhu
Biplab dhakal profecer sharma ko dairy
Sagarmani thapa Agnibarsha
Srojraj adhikari jasusiko jalo
Pradip balachan Ranamaidanbata
Rajan bhattarai Capital hill
Mahesbikram shah kathmandauma kamred, Jyaksan hait
Bibek shah maile dekheko darbar
Jagadish ghimire antarman ko yatra
Saroj Raj Adhikari Chakraviuma Chandrasurya
Hari Bansa Acharya China Harayeko Manchhe

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Nepal is a landlocked  country located in South Asia. It is bordered by Tibet in the north, the Himalayas in the north east,and India in the south, east and west. 

Kathmandu is the capital and largest city. The population is 27 million. Kathmandu Valley itself has estimated population of 5 million.2 million workers live abroad.

The word "Nepal" is believed by scholars to be come from the word "Nepa" which refers to the Newar Kingdom. The north has eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, The south is fertile and humid and heavily urbanized.

Kathmandu is the gateway for adventurous tourists to the Himalayas and Mount Everest. From the mid 18th century, until 2006, Nepal was the only Hindu kingdom in the world.

There are over 36 different ethnic groups and many different castes.There are over 103 different spoken languages. 

80.6%   Hindu
10.7%   Buddhist 
4.4%    Muslim
3.6%    Kirat (Combination animism and Hinduism
0.5%    Christian
0.4%    Other

15.5%   Khas 
12.5%   Bahun 
7.0%    Magar 
6.6%    Tharu 
5.5%    Tamang 
5.4%    Newar

The Kirata were one of the first groups to settle in Nepal and controlled 
it for over 2,500 years. Around 500 B.C., small kingdoms and confederations arose in the southern regions. By 250 B.C., the southern regions came under the influence of the Indian Mauryan Empire
Nepal became a vassal state of the Gupta Empire in the 4th century A.D.From the 4th -15th century much of Nepal was controlled by different dynasties:
The Licchavi Dynasty
The Lalla Dynasty 
The Malla Dynasty 

In 1482 there were three main kingdoms: Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur.

From 1768-1846 the Shah Dynasty ruled the country.

The Rana Dyansty ruled Nepal from 1846-1951. The Ranas were staunchly pro-British and assisted them in both World Wars. During the late 1940s, there were pro-democracy movements and political parties in Nepal During the 50's, India tried to assert more influence in Nepal. 

In 1989, the "Jan Andolan" (People's Movement) forced the king to accept constitutional 
reforms and to establish a multiparty parliament 

In 1991–92, Bhutan expelled roughly 100,000 Bhutanese citizens of Nepali descent, 
most of whom have been living in seven refugee camps in eastern Nepal ever since.

In 1996, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) tried to replace the parliamentary 
system with a socialist republic by violent means. 

This led to the Nepal Civil War (1996-2006) and more than 13,000 deaths.
Many human rights abuses were committed during the war.

In 2001, the Nepalese crown prince assassinated the king and other members 
of the royal family. 

In September 2005, the Maoists declared a three-month unilateral ceasefire.

In 2006  King Gyanendra agreed to relinquish sovereign power to the people. 
That same year the House of Representatives declared Nepal a secular state.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Interesting facts about Nepal

  1. Nepal opened its borders to the world in the 1950s and 2011 is Nepal Tourism Year! So make this year count and join the celebration!
  2. People in Nepal do not greet one another with a handshake, but rather put their palms together and bow their forehead and say Namaste (directly translated as ‘I salute the God in youˇ). This is the same greeting used throughout India.
  3. A popular and cheap ‘fast food’ is the Momo. Delicious dumplings made from flour and water filled with different fillings like chicken, meat or vegetables either fried or steamed and served with a dipping sauce. My favorites were the yak-meat filled ones at the Yak Cafà in Kathmandu.
  4. Nepal is home to one of the few places on earth where you can see both the Bengal tiger and the one-horned rhinoceros. We were lucky to see 3 rhinos on our safari!
  5. The Annapurna region was voted one of the top 10 best trekking places on earth. The trek to Poon Hill is a moderate 5-day trek with views that will blow you away!
  6. Everest in the Nepali language is Sagarmatha which means goddess of the sky and it stands at a staggering 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea level.
  7. Bob Seger wrote a song called Kathmandu in 1975. He wrote it at a time when he wanted to disappear from the record business, media and touring. Kathmandu represented a far way land where no one would be able to find you.
  8. Little Princes written by Conor Grennan is about child trafficking in Nepal and spawned the NGO Next Generation Nepal which reunites children and their families and aids rural communities. A must read and a portion of the proceeds from every book go directly to the cause!
  9. The Sherpas are an ethnic group from mostly the eastern mountainous part of Nepal. Many are employed as porters for mountain expeditions as they do not suffer the effect of altitude and due to their genetics and upbringing. Many groups refer to their porters as Sherpas.
  10. Nepal is the birthplace for the Lord Buddha. Lumbini and a pilgrimage for many devout Buddhists.
  11. Nepal has the densest concentration of World Heritage Sites. Kathmandu valley alone has 7 World Heritage Cultural sites within a radius of 15 kilometers.
  12. The Nepali flag is the only nation with non-quadrilateral flag.The two triangles symbolize the Himalaya Mountains and represent the two major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism. 

Biodiversity- Flora
  1. Nepal occupies only 0.1% of the earth’s landmass, but as per size of the country, she possesses one of the richest genetic biodiversity in the world.
  2. Nepal has the world’s maximum physiographic and climatic diversity ranging from the tropical to Nival type( Permanent snow)
  3. Kaligandaki is the river older than the Himalaya. Therefore, it acts as a major ecological dividing line of the whole eastern and western Himalaya.
  4. Because of its outstanding altitudinal variation, there are many opportunities to farm any plants from any parts of the world in Nepal.
  5. Nepal is an Amazon of Asia. The hidden treasure of its rich biodiversity is not yet fully explored. Many new species could be discovered from Nepal.
  6. Nepal harbors 5980 species of flowering plants which covers 2.4% of the world’s total.
  7. Thirty six percent of the world’s Meconopsis species “poppy” including Blue Poppies are found in Nepal of which four are endemic, only found in Nepal. In Nepal, one of the Blue poppy grows as high as 5400-meter altitude. This is perhaps one of the highest limits for the poppy to be found in the world.
  8. Edelweiss is the Austria’s national flower. In Austria, is it almost extinct in the wild bout found abundantly in Langtang valley of Nepal.
  9. Nepal has more than 360 species of Orchid which constitute over 2% of the world’s orchid.
  10. Nepal comprises 6% of the world’s rhododendron species.
  11. Over 250 species of the flowering plants are endemic in Nepal (not found elsewhere)
  12. Nepal has record of tallest grassland in the world that exists in Chitwan.
  13. Sal tree forest Shorea robusta in Chitwan is considered the finest in the world (Champion)
  14. Dr. Francis Hamilton first initiated plant exploration in Nepal in 1802 in Kathmandu valley followed by Nathanial Wallich in 1820.
  15. Nepal has one of the richest contribution and distribution of biomaterials in the world. Lots have yet to be explored for economic benefits of the country.
  16. World in much sought after Ayurved. Nepal has an incredible wealth of medicinal and aromatic plants for the preparation of traditional and Ayurvedic medicines.
  17. Genetic resources related to present day crop- species of Nepal has tremendous potential for improvement of numerous valuable plants.
Biodiversity- Fauna
  1. Nepal has one of the largest concentrations of Royal Bengal Tiger in the world.
  2. Second largest population of One-horned Rhino is found in Nepal.
  3. Nepal has one of the best habitat for Snow Leopard
  4. Sukla Phanta in West Nepal harbors the world largest herd of Swamp deer.
  5. It is said that Nepal has largest moth in the world (Atlas Month)
  6. Some of the largest wild honeybees are found in Nepal.
  7. The only natural breeding ground of the Long Snouted Gaviall crocodile exists in Nepalese river.
  8. Nepal constitutes more that 8.5% of the world’s total bird species.
  9. Nepal has nearly 870 species of birds, which arguably more than the whole continent of Europe and North Africa combined.
  10. Nepal has 4.2% of the world’s butterfly species which is over 650 species of butterflies.
Nature conservation efforts
  1. Shivapuri National Park at Budhanilkantha in Kathmandu is the only World’s National Park close to the capital and international airport.
  2. Over nineteen percent of the total country’s landmass is protected under National Park and Protected Area in Nepal.
  3. Nepal is the leader of community forestry campaign in the world.
  4. The conservation effort undertaken by the local communities in the buffer zone areas such as Baghmara and Kumrose forest is the pride of the nation.
  5. In many developing countries, park/people conflict is a major challenge, but in Nepal, this complex issue is amicably resolved.
  6. Chitwan National Park and Everest National Park is listed in World Heritage Site.
  7. Multi conceptual park management system was first successfully implemented in Annapurna Area and now ACAP is the world model for conservation and sustainable development.
  8. During 70s, there were less than 80 rhinos in Nepal, now we have more than 500 remnants. This is undoubtedly an excellent result in the context of global wildlife conservation record.
  9. In 25 years of conservation work, Nepal has managed to save Blackbuck from extinction, increase a very good tiger population, bring back endangered wildlife species such as Gharial, Indian bison, wild buffalo and many others to a healthy and viable population.
  10. Koshi Tappu wildlife reserve is supposed to be one of the finest bird sanctuaries in Asia and it is listed in the Ramsar Site.
  1. Nepal is the future of Asia’s medieval past.
  2. Kathmandu has one of the richest Buddhist icons in the world. 
  3. Religious tolerance and cultural harmony is the living force of Nepalese society.
  4. Kathmandu is the living cultural museum of the world.
  5. Not a single drop of blood has ever been shed in Nepal in the name of religious and ethnic riot.
  6. When America and Australia was not even born as a nation, Nepal built finest monuments which are now listed in World Heritage Sites.
  7. The style of Pagoda was introduced in china and beyond by Nepali architecture Arniko in 12th century. Legend said that Chinese emperor Kublai Khan invited Nepalese architectures to build his palace Xanadu.
  8. The United Nation has agreed the proposal of developing Lumbini as a WORLD PEACE CITY.
  9. Nepal is known as the land of Living Goddess.
  10. Nepal is the country of Non Stop Festivals.
  11. Nepal is the land of victorious Ghurkha.
  12. Nepal is the birth Place of Lord Buddha.
  13. Birth place of Janaki Sita.
  14. Fountain of World Peace, 2nd World Buddhist Summit.
  15. Dolpo in Nepal is the last stronghold of Bonpo religion.
  16. Mystic Bajrayana; an important Buddhist sect is found in Nepal
  17. Nepal has as many gods as many people, as many temple as many houses and as many festivals as many days of the years.
  1.  Nepal is the country of the highest mountain and deepest gorges.
  2. The Third Pole of the Earth is the Mt. Everest.
  3. Nepal is an adobe of “Eight Thousanders” (mountain above 8000 meters).
  4. Some of the highest permanent human habitat exists in Nepal.
  5. Some of the highest placed lakes including Tilicho are found in Nepal.
  6.  Nepal has the second largest number of Everest summiteers.
  7.  “Annapurna is a Nature’s Amphitheatre”. Chris Bonington.
  8.  “Kathmandu is the Wildest Dream of Kew”, Rudyard Kipling.
  9. Nepal has the second largest hydro power resources in the world.
  10. Nepal is one of the best arenas for Extreme & Adventure Sport tourism such as mountaineering, cannoning, paragliding, mountain biking, kayaking, rafting, bungee jumping, high altitude marathon etc.
  11. Karnali in Simikot is one of the best rivers in the world for kayaking and most of the upstream Nepalese rivers offer the best rapids for white-water rafting.
  12. There are always the Nepalese Expatriates who always win the World Famous Outdoor Marathon Quest organized by Mild Seven in Deli in Indonesia.
  13. Elephant polo match is played only in Nepal.
  14. One of the most popular trekking routes in the world is Annapurna circuit.
  15. Trekking companies in Nepal are best known professional outfitters in the world tourism market.
  16. Nepal is one of the few countries, which has many airports as per the size of the country.
  17. Nepal has higher number of repeated visitors than any countries of South Asia.
  18. Soaltee Hotel is listed as one of the 300 best hotels in the world.
  19. Kathmandu Guest House is listed as one if the Asia’s 300 most popular ICON hotels, Insight Guide Magazine.  
  20. One the occasion of 30th anniversary, Tony Wheeler, the founding publisher of the world famous Lonely Planet Magazine listed Kathmandu Guest House as one of the most popular tourism highlights of the world
  21. Dwarika Hotel is awarded as Heritage hotel by PATA.
  22. Tiger Tops is one of the best Jungle safari Hotels in Asia.
  23. Ful-bari is one of the Asia’s top resort hotels.

Monday, December 9, 2013


मन लागेको कुरा खान पाएको छौ, लाउन मन लागेको लाउन पाएको छौ, काममा सन्तुष्ट छौ, स्वस्थ छौ भने ढुक्क हौ तिमी संसारकै भाग्यमानी मध्यका एक हौ ।